Cast: Jitendra Kumar, Mayur More, Ranjan Raj, Alam Khan, Ahsaas Channa, Revathi Pillai, Urvi Singh
Continuations are consistently interesting to make. Fruitful movies and series have regularly had a continuation and not all have been pretty much as significant as the first. Lately, with the approach of OTT in India, a few shows have had resulting seasons. Frequently the creators have had the option to introduce a novel story in the principal season however the subsequent season has failed. The second period of Kota

Factory doesn't fall in that class. Simultaneously, it doesn't hoist the series.
Kota Factory 2 gets from where the primary season finished. Vaibhav (Mayur More), Meena (Ranjan Raj), Uday (Alam Khan), Vartika (Revathi Pillai) and Meenal (Urvi) are back to their classes with the yearning of breaking the IIT. Then again, Jeetu sir (Jeetendra Kumar) has left Prodigy Classes determined to open his own foundation.
Following a comparable high contrast format as its archetype, the show fascinates its crowd by taking them more profound into the existence of specific characters including Vaibhav, Meena, and in particular Jeetu sir. Albeit the story feels natural, chief Raghav Subbu, alongside his essayist Abhishek Yadav, Puneet Batra, Manoj Kalwani, and Saurabh Khanna layer it with real heart, infusing bits of friendship through his characters. There are sure exceptional subtleties that cut out the personality of the characters surprisingly better and give a nostalgic worth. With customized jobs and on-point exhibitions, the subsequent season is engaging yet doesn't satisfy the appeal of the first.
The scenes, what get going at a lively speed, dial back mid-way through the season. However this fortunate troupe of entertainers, who are a skilled bundle of little youngsters, endeavor hard to remain contributed and make all the difference for the procedures.
In any case, it seriously comes up short on the desperation, the mischievous humor and the genuine bonds that made the primary season so enthralling. Here, most things are seen from a (allegorical) distance. The plot, as in the past, is firmly wound and requests close consideration, however there's so little occurring between the lines, that you can't help thinking about what occurred.
The primary period of Kota Factory showe
d up when the Indian web series industry was in an incipient stage. Presently with a blast in OTT stages and another series delivering consistently, the business is fully operational at a high speed. The show, then again, keeps on driving on sentimentality alone. The quarrels are bounty yet the snickers are rare.
All said and done, Kota Factory 2 is certainly watchable however the spirit is absent. The star of season 1 was its guiltlessness, however lamentably, the producers focused simply on that without presenting anything new.